Port Aransas Critters
This is my electronic diary of what I find or see when walking the beaches at Port Aransas. I try to identify everything so I’m learning something along the way. I will add new things as I find them.
A dead green turtle washed in while I was near the jetties. I asked a lady who had her phone to call ARK so they could come get it. They are involved in the Sea Turtle Stranding Network and would do a necropsy on it.
Another jelly, but I haven’t identified this one yet
Sometimes I am embarrassingly slow to think of other options — it finally dawned on me that if still photos of critters are hard to get, then video might be the answer.
This video is only 14 seconds on a cloudy day, but it’s a really cool 14 seconds. Go full screen and watch the bow (front) of the ship.
More dolphins, but this time they were feeding at the sea wall.